IOL Master 700 / Carl Zeiss Meditec / 2014

Next generation biometry from ZEISS

The ZEISS IOLMaster 700 features a unique modular type patient support and instrument base design providing outstanding versatility, comfort and structural integrity. Working concurrently with Zeiss' Jena German development team, was chosen to provide the detailed human factors and aesthetic design development support. The team created the innovative two piece patient support design shown below that instilled a combination of processes and materials to ensure optimal performance.

The patient support chassis and rear cover part is die cast in aluminum alloy to meet the structural,weight and volumetric system design requirement specifications. The supports front cover is designed for high pressure thin wall injection mold manufacturing in PC/ABS to meet the tactile, comfort and aesthetic requirements established by Zeiss' marketing team and brand guidelines.


The device measures a broad range of biometric parameters necessary for the latest IOL power calculation formulas. Keratometry (K) is the measurement of the corneal curvature; corneal curvature determines the power of the cornea. ZEISS is the only company that offers a biometer with telecentric, and thus distance independent, Keratometry.

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